Applies to
ALi M1533 South Bridge

Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME.

ALi Corporation



Driver Date & Version
n/a (n/a)


ALi M1533 is the product part number for ALi South Bridge. If you are looking for a ALi M1533 sound card driver, I do not believe you will find any. After looking through Wikipedia, a south bridge may contains APM/ACPI, PCI/PCIe Bus, AC97/HDA Audio, SATA, USB, LAN and others slower components (as contrast to the faster North Bridge which connects to the CPU).

However, it does relate to the sound chip used in the motherboard. You see, as ALi M1533 is generally referred to the south bridge models and thus you will need to know the model number for your sound chip.

For example. a ALi Corporation M5451 PCI AC-Link Controller Audio Device may be installed at the ALi M1533 south bridge. That means instead of ALi M1533, you should instead look for ALi M5451 sound driver. (Please bare in mind this is just an example, I am not saying your motherboard is using an ALi M5451 sound chip)

Tried to look for ALi related drivers in (ALi is a Taiwan company), I found that they are now mainly on:

  1. Set-Top Box Solution
  2. Personal Media Player Solution
  3. Image Capture Solution
Well, no sign of ALi M1533 related driver download available, in fact none available.

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