Applies to
Wacom CTE Tablet (Graphire4/Graphire3/Graphire Wireless/BambooFun)
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
16.30 MB
Driver Date & Version
Sept 25, 2009 (ver. 5.20-7a)
If you are looking for Wacom CTE630/G tablet driver, you will not find this exact model number. You will only see these models: Graphire3 (CTE) and Graphire4 (CTE). So which one to choose from? Well, please see the answer below:
According to Wacom Tablet Identification page (link):
Tablet Identification
On the back of each tablet you will find a sticker.

CTE: Graphire4/Graphire3/Graphire Wireless/BambooFun
So in order to download the driver for Wacom CTE630/G, you will have to select Graphire3 (CTE) driver from the driver download page. The latest driver as of the time of writing is Driver 5.2.0-7a for Windows 7, Vista & XP (32 & 64 bit versions) dated Sept 25 2009.
Download Wacom Graphire CTE630/g Driver here.
- Download Dynex DX UBDB9 Driver
- Download Wacom Graphire CTE630/g Driver